Ways to support someone who is grieving
It’s hard to know what to say, and what not to say, to someone who is grieving. You won’t have all the answers. What is important is that you are present in their time of need. Grief affects everyone differently. Therefore, is important to affirm how the person is feeling by asking how they are doing. Even if their response is tearful or angry, just listen and say, “I’m so sorry”. Avoid telling the person how to feel or not feel, and never say “I know how you feel.” While you may have experienced grief, your loss and response can be quite different from theirs.
Try not to say things such as, “it was God’s will”, or “God wanted him/her more”, or “it was for the best.” Let the grieving person determine how they want to understand their loss. It’s not necessary to find answers or fix their grief, just care.
Meanwhile, offer practical help such as picking up groceries, running errands, dropping off food, and pet sitting or babysitting. You may suggest these but don’t insist if they resist. You may also offer to visit with them just to listen to what they want to say, allowing them to share their feelings. Since grief is an ongoing process, check in with them periodically, especially after the rush of the funeral has passed. Finally, let the person know you are praying for them. The best thing you can give is love and support during this difficult time.
Linda M. Walsh, BSN, RN
Parish Nurse/Director of Pastoral Care
Catholic Church of St. Ann
4905 Roswell Road
Marietta, GA 30062
470-785-2441 (direct office line)
770-552-6400 ext. 6019
The Catholic Church of St. Ann is a La Salette parish family dedicated to reconciliation through worship, word, works, and sacrament.
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