Celebrating nurses

 Celebrating nurses

Every year, National Nurses Week begins May 6 and ends May 12, the birth date of Florence Nightingale, the founder of modern nursing. Please take time to say this prayer sometime this week. It’s a great way to recognize the contributions and commitments nurses make to those in their care. Thank you and blessings to all nurses in our St. Ann community.

A Prayer for Nurses

We pray for the nurses ... who go to the rooms and the bedsides, the homes and the church pews, of the hurt and suffering, the fearful and lonely.

We pray for the nurses ... who know the names of their patients and the names of their doctors, but whose names are often unknown by those for whom they care.

We pray for the nurses ... who save lives, fight against pain, battle illness, and save money for health systems and insurers, working harder, working longer. We pray for the nurses ... who pray for us.

— Rev. Deborah Patterson, Executive Director of the former International Parish Nurse Resource Center

Parish nurse, Catholic Church of St. Ann
Linda Walsh, RN 

Photo by Patty Brito on Unsplash
