Men’s health awareness month:

Men’s health awareness month:

caring for the mind, body, and especially the spirit

Maintaining a healthy body begins with eating a healthy diet, getting daily exercise, not smoking, and consuming alcohol in moderation. Regular medical check-ups with a physician are also important to monitor blood pressure, cholesterol, and other important body functions. But how can we help keep a man’s mind and spirit healthy?


Start with keeping the brain sharp. Research has shown that word games and puzzles help stimulate brain cells throughout life. Starting a new hobby, playing an instrument, and learning something new such as a language or taking educational classes are also good for the mind. 


As for the spirit, joining a church group such as the choir, Knights of Columbus, a Bible study, or going on a retreat can build one’s spiritual health too. Of course, quiet time with our Lord through prayer and Eucharistic Adoration are perfect ways to increase one’s spiritual health.


Another way to care for a man’s spirit is to offer spiritual care during a health issue such as prostate cancer. With the support of our St. Ann clergy, we are hoping to start a volunteer lead, men’s prostate cancer support group. The goal of this group will be to provide comfort and reassurance through prayer and fellowship to any man dealing with a prostate cancer diagnosis. We want men to know they are not alone in their prostate cancer journey. For more information, please email



Linda Walsh, RN

Parish Nurse, Catholic Church of St. Ann

