Emergency preparedness: Is your family ready?

Emergency preparedness:

Is your family ready?

September is “National Preparedness Month.” 

It is a time for families and individuals to make plans for emergencies of all types: tornado, fire, snow, etc. Occasionally you may see public service announcements on this subject. The focus of these is for everyone to understand how easy a conversation can be with our families, but how tragic it can be if we are unprepared.

For example, in the event of an emergency, would you think to grab a flashlight? What if you did, only to find the batteries had expired? What if an emergency happens and your family members are separated from each other?

Do you have a plan to contact family members or a preplanned meeting place? What about your pets or senior family members?

The keys to successfully handling an emergency are threefold: be informed (be aware of alerts in your area), make a plan (discuss with your family what to do in case of different types of emergencies), and build a kit (know what to gather in advance or at the time of the emergency). Within each of these steps, it is important to consider things such as the age of family members, knowing locations where they may be during an event, dietary and medication needs, and other issues specific to your family.

Plan now! Go to ready.gov and aphagetready.org for many suggestions, helpful hints, and planning guides to help your family be ready for the unexpected.

Linda M. Walsh, RN, BSN 


770-552-6400 x6019 
