October is apple month!

Eating apples on a regular basis has been proven to be good for your health. One medium apple
provides 95 calories, 4 grams of soluble fiber and 14% of the daily requirement of vitamin C. In addition, studies have shown that eating apples reduces heart disease and other cardiovascular diseases such as stroke. This is thought to be due to the health benefits of certain antioxidant compounds as well as the fiber content, each contributing to lower cholesterol levels. People who eat apples on a regular basis are also less likely to suffer from metabolic symptoms linked to heart disease and diabetes.  


Other studies have shown that apples satisfy hunger with fewer calories, which in turn promotes weight loss. Due to an antioxidant called quercetin, apples are found to aid in boosting exercise endurance by making oxygen more available to the lungs, again helping with weight reduction.   


Finally, apples may be good for oral health. The acidity in an apple helps kill off bad bacteria that encourages bad breath. The fiber in the apple skin helps keep teeth and gums clean. Chewing an apple also takes time, which of course slows down the rate of eating, giving a faster feeling of fullness, preventing overeating.  


Enjoy the variety of apples available this fall and yes, you may even “keep the doctor away.  


For more information about the healthy aspects of apples go to http://www.eatingwell.com and search with the word “apple.   

Linda M. Walsh, RN, BSN


770-552-6400 x6019   

Photo by Amit Lahav on Unsplash
