Good lung health allows the cells and organs in our bodies to be healthy. When we breathe in, oxygen moves into the lungs where it is picked up by blood vessels and taken to every cell in the body. Within each cell, the oxygen is exchanged for carbon dioxide which is then carried back to the lungs to be exhaled. This process began the moment we were born and continues approximately 28 thousand times per day, throughout our lifetime.
When there is a decrease in oxygen intake due to lung illness, the rest of the body cannot function to its fullest capacity. This may result in diseases such as cancer or organ failure. In addition, as we age, our lung function naturally declines, making it more difficult for us to breathe. However, we can protect and strengthen our lungs by staying active, avoiding tobacco smoke, vaping and staying up to date on vaccinations.
Knowing the early warning signs of lung disease is important. These may include chronic cough, shortness of breath, chronic mucus production, wheezing, coughing up blood or chronic chest pain. If noticed, make an appointment with your healthcare provider as soon as possible. Early detection could save your life.
November is Lung Health Awareness Month. Take time to think about your lung health. Seek medical advice regarding your risk for lung cancer or other lung conditions. And, if you smoke or vape, please try to stop.
For more information on lung health, visit
Linda M. Walsh, RN, BSN
770-552-6400 x6019
Photo by Robina Weermeijer on Unsplash
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