COPD: What you need to know

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is characterized by an obstruction to airflow in the lungs that interferes with normal breathing. While not curable, it is preventable, and can be treated and managed effectively, especially if diagnosed early. Two types of COPD are emphysema and chronic bronchitis. While the primary cause is the inhalation of cigarette smoke, other causes may be exposure to air pollution, occupational dust, fumes, chemicals or a rare gene mutation. Those at highest risk are smokers and former smokers, who later develop symptoms such as constant coughing, shortness of breath during everyday activities, production of phlegm or mucus, wheezing, or difficulty taking a deep breath. This may progress to frequent respiratory infections and fatigue. Eventually, everyday activities such as work, exercise, and sleep are affected, which could eventually lead to long-term disability and early death. It is important to not ignore symptoms or allow them to progress because early detection of COPD is key to successful treatment. If you are a smoker, please quit now. A smoking cessation program can give you the most success. Stay as physically active as possible and speak to your physician about pulmonary rehabilitation if you are having any of the above symptoms. Once treatment starts, be sure to take your medications exactly as prescribed. Finally, educate yourself through the Lung Association and get support for and from those you love. For more information, visit or call 1-800-LUNG-USA. 

Linda M. Walsh, RN, BSN

770-552-6400 x6019  

Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash
