Dec. 31, 2023
Resolve to add some color to next year’s menus
With 2024 only a day away, it’s time to make our New Year’s resolutions. This year, consider one that includes consuming healthy and cancer-fighting foods.
If you are still attending holiday parties, avoid the heavy, high calorie, and fattening foods. Remember, moderation is the key to enjoying festive foods and drinks. Then, with the new year, start adding more color to your diet. For example, red and blue fruits and vegetables contain powerful antioxidants known to fight cancer.
Other colorful fruits and vegetables are full of nutrients that also help fight cancer. They also help us reach and maintain a healthy body weight. This in turn reduces the risk of cancers of the colon, esophagus, and kidneys. Folate (vitamin B) also helps reduce colorectal and breast cancer. This is easily found in orange juice, melons, strawberries, beans, sunflower seeds, eggs, asparagus, leafy vegetables, and fortified whole grains.
Don’t forget to add “avoid sugary drinks” and “drink more water” to your resolution list. Plain water is the best fluid the body can have to stay healthy. It also helps to protect against bladder cancer by flushing cancer-causing agents from the body.
Finally, learn new ways to prepare meat, such as stewing, braising or steaming. These techniques are healthier than frying, grilling or broiling, which may produce cancer-causing chemicals.
Make a resolution to create new, colorful and healthier meals to be a healthier you in 2024.
Wishing you a happy and healthy New Year!
Linda M. Walsh, RN, BSN
770-552-6400 x6019
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