‘Tis the season to be safe: Choose the right gift this year

‘Tis the season to be safe:

 Choose the right gift this year

Enjoy a happy and safe gift-giving season!


Unfortunately, emergency rooms treat over 200,000 toy-related injuries every year. Here are some safe tips for Santa and his elves when giving toys this Christmas.


1)   1)   Consider the recipient’s age and ability, and that of others who may have access to the toy.

2)   Avoid toys that shoot or have parts that fly off, and those with sharp, rigid points, spikes, rods, or dangerous edges.  Only buy toys that will withstand impact and not break into sharp pieces.

3)   Any toy (or part) that can fit into a toilet paper roll is unsafe for a child under the age of three.

4)   Toys for babies or toddlers should be unbreakable and strong enough to withstand chewing. Make sure they do not have sharp ends or small parts like eyes, wheels, or buttons that can be pulled loose, small ends that can reach the back of the mouth, strings longer than 7 inches, or parts that may pinch small fingers.

5)   Immediately discard any parts of uninflated or broken balloons since these are serious choking hazards.

6)   Battery-operated toys should have battery cases that are secured with screws. Batteries and battery fluid pose serious risks, including choking, internal bleeding, and chemical burns. Seek immediate medical attention if you suspect a child may have swallowed a battery or a magnet. Both of these are possible life-threatening medical emergencies. 

7)   Look for the notation ASTM F963-17 on toys. This designates the product as meeting the national standards for toy safety.


Linda M. Walsh, RN, BSN


770-552-6400 x6019  
