It is never too early to make plans!

Dignity and respect at every stage of life is a key foundation to our Catholic faith. When we or a loved one are at the end of life, we may wonder about making choices that align with our faith.

Our Pastoral Care department is often called upon to help guide our parishioners and their families during these times.

 However, most people do not like to talk about death and funerals. But as Catholics, we believe death is a transition and not an end; that life is changed, not taken away. Keeping this in mind, funerals are a
beautiful way to honor our beloved deceased and to celebrate their homecoming.
For these reasons, we invite you to attend an “End-of-life and Funeral Planning Workshop” on June 13 at 6:30pm in La Salette Hall. At that time, we will share information about advance directives for health care,Catholic teachings about end-of-life decisions, what defines a Catholic funeral, and how to plan a funeral at St. Ann. We hope to answer questions and share other tidbits that may help you and your family begin discussions on this difficult but important subject.

While planning a funeral can be done in advance or at the time of death, it is never too early to start thinking about the future.

RSVPs to the event are appreciated to assure adequate supplies. Please contact Linda Walsh at extension 6019 if interested.

Linda Walsh, RN

Parish Nurse, 

The Catholic Church of St. Ann
